Category Archives: Wrestling

Summer Slam 2007 Thoughts

… Kane vs Finlay, great match. … ECW needs to be allowed to have a match on ppv that equals what they are putting on free television. I’ve been loving the last few weeks of (gasp) wrestling and this matched showed off none of it. … Who would have thought Torrie Wilson would be the one to pull the seasoned… (more…)

Trouble for TNA

If torrent files are any indication as to how much interest there is in a pay-per-view TNA is in serious trouble. It is now 10:30 the day after the ppv and there is only one really crappy version (nsv) out right now. Normally there are at least three on any given torrent site. God knows I wasn’t planning on watching… (more…)

Bam Bam Bigelow, R.I.P.

Bam Bam Bigelow passed away last week at the age of 42. While most remember Bam Bam for his in-ring abilities I remember him for a far different reason. Back when I was a teenager I picked up a wrestling magazine and was astounded by a few of the back-stage photos that were in it. The one that stuck out… (more…)

someone else’s stuff

If you haven’t read Lance Storm’s commentaries in a while (or ever) I strongly suggest you check out July’s postings. He has put up some amazing pieces of work on the night Kayfabe (pretending wrestling storylines are ‘real’) died, steroids, and his final day at OVW. Despite being hit on the head for a living Lance is an extremely well… (more…)


Thanks to their lack of a television deal TNA has put up a torrent of this week’s Impact. Looks like I’ll finally see what the hype is about.

look out WWE

From the Toronto Star today (full link is here but it’s probably needs a login) Things are definitely looking up south of the border, too. The CFL has agreed to deals with a bunch of regional cable networks in the U.S. such as Comcast and Cox Sports and is now available in 70 million homes, 20 million more than last… (more…)